Monday, November 11, 2013

get these mothaf*ckin lists, off my mothaf*ckin page

let me start of by saying, i love Buzzfeed. it is my go-to way to pass time at work or on the bus. i genuinely enjoy reading the different lists and articles that are on there. but lately, there has been a trend going on on my news feed that irks me to no end. (not all of them are from Buzzfeed btdubs) lists telling me what i MUST do before a certain time, age, or life milestone. these lists annoy me.

the trip list: the title of this video is "10 trips i NEED to take in my 20s" how dare you henry goldman (Buzzfeed Video Producer extraordinaire) tell me what i NEED to do in my 20s. and then make me feel really bad for not taking any of these trips.

the woman list: hey cosmo, #1 i don't think anyone knows what the fuck a clarisonic is, 25 or not. also, don't tell me to stop judging. i'm 26 and judging is natural. im judging you right now cosmo. deal with it.

the baby list, my 'favorite' type of list circulating right now (maybe because i am closest to relating to this one): is the MOST depressing list. if you are pregnant, do not read it, you'll resent your unborn babes. all of these, to me, are ridiculous. it makes it seem that life literally ends after you have a kid. you are bound to your house, never to be seen again. (that is if according to this list you have purchased a house before your first kid, if not PANIC, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!) #8 have crazy, carefree sex - because after you have a baby your vagina is no good around these parts. #25 perform a random act of kindness - because once you have a baby, your kindness bone goes out with the placenta.

i get that these are meant to be helpful (right?) but they seem to actually add an extreme amount of anxiety (as if there wasn't enough). did i take enough trips before i turned 30? i can't have a baby in this apartment, can i? and why do i need a toothbrush type device to wash my face (that's what a clarisonic is described as)?

allow me to give you the only list you'll ever need, at any age. (according to me, and i am right. right? right.)
1) be polite and show respect
2) do what makes you happy, whatever it is, at any point in your life
3) you will never be 1000% ready for marriage, a baby, buying a house, graduating college, moving to a new state etc. (no real advice here, just you'll never be ready, no one is, so dont stress)

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